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What Can I Do to Prepare My Child for Kindergarten

 *Personal Needs   
Dress themselves - tying shoes, buttons pants/coats, zip jackets   
Know left and right - practice with your shoes!   
Take care of bathroom needs 
Washing hands & blowing nose
Recognizing own clothing and possessions 
Following simple directions
Putting toys and clothing away
Understanding concepts of space, direction and place
 *Establish Routines   
Set limits - have your child help make rules together
Eating habits
Sleeping habits
Create a daily or weekly schedule
Talk with your child
Practice "active listening"
Turn-taking in conversations
 Maintaining eye contact
Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and emotions
*Read! Read! Read!   Talk about the pictures and what is happening in the story
Talk about the meaning of words in the text
Visit the library
Read labels at the store
*Academic Skills
Recognize, name, count and write numerals 1-20 
Count and sort objects together
Count to 100 
Recognize and name colors, shapes and patterns 
Write first and last name 
Identify letters and sounds