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5th-Mrs Gontkof-Murray

5th Grade Rocks

 Welcome to 5th grade!

My name is Mrs. Murray and I am so excited to begin this year!  I look forward to getting to know you and I am confident that we are going to have a great year together.  I hope that our time together will be full of learning, growth, and happy memories! 

I typically send our weekly learning schedule to parents (via email) on Friday afternoons, which includes announcements and reminders for the coming week.  Please be sure to update your email address(es) in HAC to ensure you receive our weekly news. 

Google Classroom information:

  • To keep things organized and streamlined, 5th grade students will have a Google Classroom for each Marking Period, organized by subject.  There, students can view our weekly schedule and announcements on the Classroom STREAM tab.  This is a great starting point when students are absent from class. 
  •  Please keep in mind, our Google Classroom is a great resource for announcements, instructions, and study resources.  Students will mainly use Chromebooks in class for typed writing pieces, research projects, and at Library / STEAM Specials.   Parents should check folders and backpacks regularly for paper and pencil classwork and assignments.

Murray Specials Schedule 

  •   Monday - Music
  •   Tuesday -  Gym
  •   Wednesday - STEAM
  •   Thursday - Library
  •   Friday  -  Art

I look forward to meeting all of you soon! 

Mrs. Murray

Jennifer Gontkof-Murray

5th Grade, Goodnoe Elementary
