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Healthy Snacks

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August, 2010

Dear PTO Presidents and Homeroom Parents,

The Council Rock School District is committed to providing a rigorous academic program for students. Additionally, the overall wellness of our students is of equal importance. As a district, we must promote healthy eating habits as good nutrition and exercise are critical to the wellness of students.

For these reasons, and to accommodate the increasing number of students’ medical and food allergy needs, we are promoting a change regarding the three district approved elementary classroom parties. We are requesting that no more than one sugary/low nutrition food item be offered at classroom parties and that all foods are nut-free. Exposing students to healthier treats is a great step toward developing healthier habits. The focus of classroom parties should continue to be on the social, celebratory aspect of the event rather than the food.

We thank our PTO Homeroom Parents for coordinating and providing these special events for our students. We ask that all parents coordinate with Homeroom Parents before sending any items for class parties.

Your support of our children and promoting healthier eating habits is greatly appreciated.


Joy C. McClendon

Director of Elementary Education/Curriculum Services
