Welcome to second grade! We recommend that you purchase these supplies to bring with you on the first day of school. Please write your child’s full name on the folders, notebooks, and pencil case prior to the first day of school. It would be very helpful to open all packaging. Please label pencils, erasers, scissors, crayons, Expos, glue sticks, and highlighters with your child’s name and/or initials. You wouldn’t BELIEVE how many supplies the floor can consume, and when they are properly labeled, we can give them back to their rightful owner! 😊. We will not be sharing our supplies and will be working hard to keep our desks and cubbies organized so that they can last the whole school year long. We look forward to working with you this year!
Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Bojanowski
General Second Grade Supply List:
1 YELLOW plastic bottom pocket folder
1 RED plastic bottom pocket folder
1 BLUE plastic bottom pocket folder with 3-prongs (fasteners in center)
1 wide-ruled black marble composition book
1 plastic pencil storage container (8.5 in. x 5.75 in. x 2.5 in.)
1 pair of child size scissors (5 inch)
24 Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencils (please sharpen at home)
4 white erasers
1 yellow highlighter
4 glue sticks
12 Expo black fine-tip whiteboard markers (low odor)
1 felt whiteboard eraser (5 inch)
2 boxes of tissues
1 pair of earphones in a Ziplock bag labeled with your name
1 9x12 whiteboard
1 large container of sanitizing or antibacterial wipes