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PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

We strive to create a positive, respectful school community at Goodnoe Elementary. At the beginning of each school year, our students learn specific expectations for how to show respect, responsibility, and safety throughout the day. These expectations are explicitly taught, practiced, and reinforced. Our important Rocky Rules are to be respectful, responsible, and safe.



  • Learn about PBIS by reading our Goodnoe PBIS Brochure for parents.
  • Each classroom has a Rocky Board. When students work together as a class to demonstrate respect, responsibility, and safety, the class earns a Rocky Sticker on their board. When the board is filled, the class is showcased on the large school Rocky Board in the main hallway, and they earn a prize.
  • Students also earn individual Rocky Wall of Fame Stickers throughout the school year! We even have Rocky Wall of Fame winners who are selected from the whole school Rocky Board. These students earn a special experience for helping our school community.